Busy Beaver of Washington

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Store Info

1281 W Chestnut St Washington, PA 15301

Located on West Chestnut Street, directly behind Dunkin Donuts, across from McDonald's

Store Hours

make it my store

Supporting our community

Trinity High School

Canton Township

Job openings

News & Events

New Hope Church of Nazarene set up a Bake Sale to raise funds to send kids to camp at our Washington Busy Beaver store!

Washington area Boy Scouts having a fundraising car wash with our customers!

Kids’ Workshop! Families stopped by Washington Busy Beaver to decorate flower pots and plant flowers for Mother’s Day Gifts!

Store photos

19 Busy Beaver of Washington 20240723 072350 camera 20240723 072214
19 Busy Beaver of Washington 20240723 072350 camera 20240723 070913
19 Busy Beaver of Washington 20240723 072350 camera 20240723 071052
19 Busy Beaver of Washington 20240723 072350 camera 20240723 071611
19 Busy Beaver of Washington 20240723 072350 camera 20240723 072120
19 Busy Beaver of Washington 20240723 072350 camera 20240723 071143